Chemical exfoliations/peels have been found to be very effective treatment for many types of skin conditions including photo-damage, acne scarring, active acne, melasma as well as precancerous lesions. There are several different types of peels categorized into groups, superficial, medium and deep peels. Superficial types would be considered more as a chemical exfoliant. It is not always necessary for the skin to drastically peel in order for results to be seen. Superficial peels typically cause more generalized sloughing of the skin. The medium and deeper types generally do cause more obvious peeling. The doctor will help you determine what type of peel is most appropriate, based on your skin type and what type of results are desired. Peeling of the skin should be expected anywhere from 1 day to 2 weeks.

What to expect during a chemical exfoliation/peel

During a chemical peel, a solution is applied directly to the skin and left to absorb. You may experience mild discomfort or burning for a short period after the solution is applied, a handheld fan can be used to help cool the skin and relieve any burning or discomfort. You will notice the skin becoming dry and beginning to peel anywhere from 1 day to 14 days. After a chemical peel, most people can return to their normal daily activities right away. The skin may become red or pink, which generally fades within a few hours. Any redness that remains can usually be covered by makeup until it fully fades.

What conditions are peels used to treat?

Peels are used to improve the appearance of many types of conditions including:

  • Pigment changes in the skin
  • Acne scarring
  • Mild sun damage
  • Fine lines or wrinkles
  • Precancerous lesions (Actinic Keratosis)

Some types of skin problems respond better to chemical peeling than others. People with lighter skin who limit their sun exposure after the procedure tend to have better results than those with darker skin and those who continue to spend lots of time in the sun.

Before you decide to have a chemical peel, talk to your doctor about the kind of results you can expect. Changes in the color and texture of the skin caused by aging and sun exposure may continue to develop after a chemical peel. Chemical peels are not a permanent solution for these problems.

Call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Scott Friedman so that they can determine what type of chemical peel would best benefit you.